What mission is set in 1968 in the Ural mountain range?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Semi final time!

Tonight at 8pm on the ABC

The Semi-Final will feature a behind-the-scenes look as the New Inventors judges attempt to unanimously decide upon the final five inventions. By measuring the winners against six criteria - originality, need, design, safety, manufacture and pricing, and market - only the best of the best will make it through.

Don't forget to tune in for the New Inventors Grand Final at the special time Thursday 23rd September at 8:30pm

I know the presenter is quite annoying, but listen carefully to the judges comments - this show links very closely with our subject

I'm excited!

Lets get some ideas started.

Ok guys, now is a great time to start to post some ideas that you think might be useful to yourself and others.

Here are some interesting podcasts, I think you will find some that might interest you and maybe stir up a few thoughts. They are avalible through ABC, choose a couple and have a listen:


Let me know what you listened too and what you thought.

Here are some basic questions that I would like you to post and answer on your blog :

1. What do you want to do next year?

2. What sort of industry do you want to work in?

3. What are you good at?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This Blogg is set up he help our Stage 6 Design and Technology Students keep motivated and focused on their Major Design Project. This wiil aid students building their folio of work and allow others in the group to share thoughts and ideas.