What mission is set in 1968 in the Ural mountain range?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Assesment Task 2 - Project Proposal

Here it is!

This task is due week 3 next term and as per usual I strongly suggest getting onto it ASAP.

Mater Dei Catholic College

        Stage 6 HSC Design and Technology
Project Proposal

Date Issued:
Week 8 Term 4 2010
Date Due:
  9am Friday Wk3 Term 1 2011
Assessment Weighting:

Outcomes Being Assessed:
3.2 uses creative and innovative approaches in designing and producing
4.1 identifies a need or opportunity and researches and explores ideas for design development and production of the major design project
5.1 manages the development of a quality major design project
5.2 selects and uses appropriate research methods and communication techniques

Context for the Task:
This assessment task requires students to provide detail in their portfolio about the intended direction of their Major Design Project (MDP) and how they plan to proceed with and manage the project to completion. This proposal should provide a constant reference point as students progress through the Project Development and Realisation, and Evaluation.

Students should have decided on a general idea or problem for their Major Design Project (MDP). If students have not yet finalised their decision, they can still complete this task and change the content later if needed.

Outline of Task:
Plan, develop and submit a Project Proposal that outlines intended direction and project management considerations of the MDP. The following sections are listed as Assessment Criteria in the Design and Technology syllabus. Address each component after carefully considering Syllabus Outcomes (see above) and  Marking Guidelines (see below):

– Identification and exploration of the need
– Areas of investigation
– Criteria to evaluate success
– Action, time and finance plans and their application

The Proposal should use precise language to clearly communicate elements of each section to the reader. Limit the document to 12 A4 pages.  In-text referencing is required if external sources are consulted.

Further information and resources are available in our class Blog:

Marking Guidelines
·         Professionally constructed and presented document precisely communicates relevant proposal and management considerations.
·         Identifies and provides a detailed exploration of genuine needs and opportunities, justifying final selection for the development of the MDP
·         Describes relevant areas of investigation which relate clearly to the need, and provides direction for further action
·         Establishes and analyses appropriate criteria to evaluate the success of the PSE
·         Formulates and evaluates well-documented action, time and finance plans with clear evidence of their application to the PSE
·         Carefully constructed and presented document communicates proposal and management considerations.
·         Identifies and provides an exploration of needs and opportunities, in relation to the development of the MDP
·         Describes some relevant areas of investigation in relation to the need and provides evidence that these were investigated
·         Describes appropriate criteria to evaluate the success of the PSE, with little analysis of these criteria
·         Formulates action, time and finance plans, and shows some evidence of their application to the PSE
·         States a need with some exploration in relation to the development of the MDP
·         Identifies areas of investigation in relation to the need, or shows evidence of being investigated
·         Briefly describes criteria to evaluate the success of the PSE, with no analysis of these criteria Formulates and applies action and/or time and/or finance plans
·         States a need with limited exploration in relation to the development of the MDP
·         Lists areas of investigation in relation to the need which may not relate to further action, or shows evidence of areas being investigated
·         Briefly describes criteria, some of which may be inappropriate to evaluate the success of the PSE
·         Some evidence of the application of action, time or finance planning
·         Need stated without clarity, nor explored in relation to the development of the MDP
·         Names an area of investigation
·         Lists criteria, some of which may be inappropriate to evaluate the success of the PSE
·         Action, time or finance planning not evident

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