What mission is set in 1968 in the Ural mountain range?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello HSC

Term 4 is here and now we are into the HSC course.

All assesment ranks and marks start fresh so if you were not happy with your results in the preliminary course, now is the time to plan out a strategy for improvement. And for those who were happy with their performance - be warned - others will soon catch up!

My hints are:
  • Be at school
  • Listen in class
  • Ask questions
  • Get onto assesment tasks quickly
  • Talk to your teachers
  • Talk to other students
  • Be confident - you only get one shot at the HSC - so give it your best
Choose an emerging technology soon as the first assesment task is based on a design that has not achieved its market potential. Think around the lines of medical, enviromental and communication to choose an appropriate design that you will be able to research and get all the information you need. I strongly suggest emailing them with questions.

Had another idea for a project today...

Design brief:

To desgin and produce system for reducing the amount of noise pollution in the school workshop.

  • Test noise levels of various operations using a decimenter.
  • Design and produce noise suppressing panels to soak up noise pollution.
  • These could be attached to walls and suspended from  the ceiling.
  • Can be colourful and have safety messages on them.

Good project because it:
  • is focussed on a real need
  • cheap
  • creative
  • has a market
  • has safety, enviromental and ergonomic considerations
Anyone keen on saving my hearing??

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